Thursday, 8 September 2011

Don't hold on so tight

"How do we present our views in the fullness of our embodied and perspectival commitment, without falling back into a pre-modern universalism that has rightly been criticised as expressing the will to power of those who have been able to express their views? I suggest it is not by pretending to an intellectual neutrality which in any case is only a pose, but rather by acknowledging and affirming the conditions of time and space, which limit our perspectives as well as giving them their distinctive perspectival power… We should not hold our views so tightly that we cannot appreciate the perspectival truths embodied in the lives and works of others. We should think of our 'truth claims 'as the product of embodied thinking not as terminally bored universally valid thought." 

Christ, C P. 1988, Embodied thinking: reflections on feminist theological method. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 5, 1 - page 15. 

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